Is it Difficult for Convicted Felons to Obtain a Job? Continue reading to discover whether it's more difficult for convicted felons to obtain jobs than those without a record.
How Should I Respond if a Cop Asks if I’ve Been Drinking? It is crucial that you are prepared to response when a cop asks if you have been drinking. Read on for more information.
Should I Submit to a Field Sobriety Test? Whether or not you should submit to a field sobriety test depends on various factors. Read on for more information.
How Can I Challenge the Validity of a Search Warrant? If you want to challenge the validity of a search warrant, read on and contact an experienced attorney today.
What are the Penalties for Elder Abuse in Michigan? Continue reading and speak with an attorney to discover the penalties associated with elder abuse in Michigan.
What is Considered a Federal Crime? Continue reading to learn what is considered a federal crime, what agencies handle these offenses, and the associated penalties.
Can I Get Probation Instead of Jail Time in Michigan? If you're facing criminal charges in Michigan, continue reading to discover whether you can get probation instead of jail time.
How Does Bail Work and Can I Get It? If you were arrested for a crime in Michigan, continue reading to learn how bail works and if you can get it.
How Can DNA Evidence Affect a Criminal Case? DNA evidence can be instrumental in a criminal case. Continue reading and work with a lawyer for more information.
What Happens if I Miss My Court Date in Michigan? If you miss your court date in Michigan you can incur various penalties. Speak with a lawyer for more information.