The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938 is a United States federal labor law that was designed to protect employee rights. It is a set of standards that outlines regulations employers who make over $500,000 in revenue or who operate in multiple states must abide by. It is important for all employees to have an understanding of the rights they are entitled to in the workplace. Continue reading to learn more about the FLSA and who it protects. Do not hesitate to speak with a Marquette employment lawyer if you have any questions or concerns regarding your rights as an employee.
The Fair Labor Standards Act introduced the American public to a set of standards and regulations that employers must follow to ensure the protection and rights of their workers. The following are some regulations included in the FLSA.
Many workers are exempt from the regulations of the Fair Labor Standards Act due to their job type or the amount of money they make. It is easier to count the groups that are not covered under the FLSA. The following are examples of some groups that are exempt from certain rules.
While some workers involved with the above may be covered, generally these groups are exempt. Speak with a lawyer to learn how the Fair Labor Standards Act applies to you.
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